Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wales and Maple Canyon

Last week was fall break for the kids. I took off both days and wanted to go down to a part of the state Liz and I drove through after a wedding down in that area. We had driven through Chester, Wales, Freedom, and Fountain Green and there were lots of rustic buildings and wide open views. Also near Freedom is a canyon my rock climbing neighbors told me about that I wanted to see. So I grabbed Meagan and Amanda and we left before 7am and got home near noon. It's just under an hour drive from home.

Check out the full gallery and view Wales1-6 and Maple Canyon1-3

This little shack was in the middle of a corral.

This house was on the main road on the corner. Two sides of it were exposed with walls torn away and the morning light made it very interesting.

The next two are views inside Maple Canyon

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