Thursday, September 23, 2010

Photo Blogging

I recently went on a short hike with a couple of co-workers. We each had cameras and were taking pictures. I asked one of them what he did with all his photos and he said he put them up on a photo blog. It sounded like a good idea since people can subscribe to it if they like and get updates when new stuff is up. It also gives an opportunity to describe the photo trip and maybe a little of how the shot was taken.

I think I'll just post representative pictures in the blog itself and a link to a site where more photos can be seen.

Don't expect much in the way of writing. I don't have much to say and the pictures say it so much better than I could.

These photos and many from previous outings can be found here: Shutter Dawg Gallery

Harman building field after a creative mowing job.
This is the result of a creative BYU grounds crew member at the Harman building field.

Sunflowers in Elk Ridge
Sunflowers are weeds. Pretty, pretty weeds.

Wires near Salem
Even ugly can be interesting.

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